Divas Subedi

I am a graduate student at Georgia Institute of Technology studying Computer Science. I currently work at Fermilab as a Software Developer. I graduated from Trinity College with a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Physics. I'm interested in the intersections between Computer Science & Physics, particularly in Quantum Computing. I'm a curious researcher, language enthusiast (both human & computer). Outside of my academic and professional pursuits, I enjoy learning archery, piano, and solving puzzles.

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Published Research Projects

MFCC Biometric Signature Authentication with Low Cost Embedded Stylus
Divas Subedi, Digesh Chitrakar, Isabella Yung, Yicheng Zhu, Yun-Hsuan Su, Kevin Huang
2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2023

This work is extension of previous iteration of signature pen project. This iteration presents a working prototype of the signature pen along with better features used to authenticate users. The pen captures initial data of the motion while performing the signature, which is then processed through signal techniques to create interpretable features. These features train a neural network to authenticate user. In this iteration, the temporal and spatial distribution of energy while performing signature is used to determine if the signature is authentic or not.

MFCC Inertial-Measurement- Based Biometric Authentication of Handwritten Signature
Divas Subedi, Isabella Yung, Digesh Chitrakar, Kevin Huang
2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2022

The project proposes a writing stylus that authenticates users through unique inertial signature detection, leveraging the individuality of handwritten signatures. It features dual triaxial accelerometers to analyze stroke style, and writing speed, creating a distinct signature profile. The profile is used to determine if the signature is fake or not. Preliminary studies show a high accuracy of 95.7%, 100% sensitivity, and 90% recall, indicating its effectiveness in user identification and potential in enhancing cybersecurity.

MFCC Contact Localization via Active Oscillatory Actuation
Divas Subedi, Elizabeth Schoemer, Digesh Chitrakar, Yun-Hsuan Su, Kevin Huang
14th IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2022
paper / presentation

This work is extension of previous iteration of contact sensing project. In addition to expansion of feature space in baseline approach, MFCC are used to create better features. With more contact locations and features, the proposed method is promising, as it presents more complexity and discrimination at higher granularity of localization with higher accuracy.

PontTuset Telelocomotion-Remotely Operated Legged Robots
Kevin Huang, Divas Subedi, Rahul Mitra, Isabella Yung, Kirkland Boyd, Edwin Aldrich, Digesh Chitrakar
MDPI Applied Sciences, 2021

This work introduces the idea of extending teleoperation to enable real time human remote control of legged robots, or telelocomotion, to traverse challenging terrain. A haptic telelocomotion interface was developed. Two within-user studies validate the proof-of-concept interface and our results are promising to the use of haptic feedback for telelocomotion in complex traversal tasks. This work builds on our 2020 IRC poster paper.

PontTuset Contact Sensing via Active Oscillatory Actuation
Rahul Mitra, Kirkland Boyd, Divas Subedi, Digesh Chitrakar, Edwin Aldrich, Ananya Swamy, Kevin Huang
3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA), 2020

In this work, a contact sensor that is minimally intrusive and can be subsumed into extant devices is prototyped and tested. Oscillatory acceleration data is collected and subsequently used to train and classify different contact locations using frequency-based features. Three separate classes are distinguished according to contact location. Results are promising and show excellent classification of both contact and contact location.

PontTuset Characterizing limits of vision-based force feedback in simulated surgical tool-tissue interaction
Kevin Huang, Digesh Chitrakar, Rahul Mitra, Divas Subedi, Yun-Hsuan Su
42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2020

This work attempts to empirically evaluate the degree to which haptic feedback may deviate from ground truth yet result in acceptable teleoperated performance in a simulated RMIS-based palpation task. A preliminary user-study is conducted to verify the utility of the simulation platform, and the results of this work have implications in haptic feedback for RMIS and inform guidelines for vision-based tool-tissue force estimation.

PontTuset MOSFET Channel Engineering and Scaling Study using COMSOL Multiphysics® Simulation Software
Divas Subedi and Deborah A. Fixel
COMSOL Conference, 2019
paper / poster / presentation

The effect of constant-field scaling on a FIBMOS (focused-ion-beam metal-oxide-semiconductor) device compared to the conventional MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) is studied in this paper. A narrow P+ region with a higher doping concentration than the substrate is implanted next to the source region to implement FIBMOS. The simulation is conducted on a conventional MOSFET as well as a FIBMOS transistor for 122.5-nm, 175-nm, 245-nm, and 350-nm channel-length devices. The simulations show that the FIBMOS device demonstrates greater threshold voltage stability upon channel length variation, improved output resistance, greater resistance to the punch-through effect, and reduced hot electron degradation.


  • Teaching Assistant:
    • Engineering and Analysis (Spring '20, Fall '20)
    • Introduction to Engineering Design: Mobile Robots (Spring '20)
    • Linear Circuit Theory (Spring'21)
    • Electricity, Magnetism and Waves (Spring '21, Spring '22)
    • Mechanics (Fall '21)
    • Mathematical Foundation of Computing (Fall '21)
  • Organizations:
    • Trinity College Chapters of IEEE.
    • Trinity College Chapter of SPS.
    • Trinity College Habitat for Humanity.
    • IEEE TryEngineering.


Template from Jon Barron's webpage.